Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Flag Football

In total for this flag football project, I created:
- 3 logos (1 went unused)
- 9 different certificates
- 2 different covers
- 1 program
- 1 mailer
- 1 poster
- 1 email invite
- nametags


***This is all that I could get to upload.  For some reason many of them keep showing up as little red boxes with little red "X"s in the middle :/.

Final Projects and Awards.

I have to say... it's been one heck of a past couple weeks and one heck of an adventure. 

For the past couple weeks, I have made a few minor changes to the Banquet Itinerary and finished the Summer News.

As for the really exciting news... I received two awards for my graphic design and marketing work.  It's so surreal, I'm still having a hard time believing it!  The first one is an Award of Distinction from the FPRA for the Spring Newsletter Annina and I put together.  The second one is Marketing Intern of the Year 2011-2012.

Here's an article about the event FPRA hosted. 

And here's a fun picture of the Marketing group at Recreation and Sports Services.  It was taken at Recreation's First Annual Banquet (where I received the second award). 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Banquet Edits & New Project

I was asked to make a few content edits to the banquet itenerary and was asked to do a Summer News (Toilet Paper). 

As of right now, I am just waiting on information to put in the Summer News!

Banquet Edits:

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Banquet Completion

For this week, I finished the banquet itnerary.

I also was asked to quickly convert the Reverse Sprint Triathlon flyer to green for next year's event with the updated information.  I also made the shirt, medal, etc green for next year as well.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

April Rec News & Banquet

The April News is completed and edited.

A new project I was given was the end of the year Recreation and Service's Staff Banquet itinerary.  I have the pleasure of creating it, and hopefully being a part of it.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


For the Disc Golf project, I am stumped on how to fit everything on the back.  I finally did come up with a solution though, of working with icons and words rather than just icons alone.  This will simplify it more and allow for a cleaner and more organized presentation of the information OA would like to include.

I am also working on the Rec News for April right now too.

EDIT: Here's the updated Disc Golf project.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Disc Golf & New Assignment

For the Disc Golf design, they really liked how it stayed with the OA theme and enjoyed the colors; however, they wanted a printer friendly version and directions on the back of the map and utilize that space more.

They also assigned a new project for the Bike Program that is a part of OA.  They basically just want a flyer advertising their services and get the word out.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Disc Golf Map / Scorecard

The next project I've been assigned is the Disc Golf Map / Scorecard for Outdoor Adventures.  It's basically just updating what they already have because it is not very attractive and a bit confusing right now.  My job is to make it easier to understand and more appealing than it is currently.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Reverse Sprint Triathlon & Happy March

At our last meeting, we discussed a few changes with the direction the Reverse Sprint Triathlon was going.  They wanted to incorporate more color, so that's what I did. 

And with the March News, it was pretty much exactly what they wanted, minus a few arrangement changes. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Decisions & Meetings

It was decided that they wanted to go a different route with the Bunny Dash Event, which was rather saddening, but needed.  It was a good lesson that taught me not everything I create will be accepted and plans change sometimes.  It wasn't wasted effort either.  Besides teaching me that valuable lesson, it also gave me more experience with freehand work and outside the box thinking.  I might be able to still use this as a portfolio piece even though it went unused. 

At this present time, I am still working on:
- the Group Fit page
- March News [toilet paper]
- Reverse Sprint Triathlon logo, t-shirt, flyer, and medal.

Below is some of the progress I've made on the Reverse Sprint Triathlon project!

With the logo, the Reverse Sprint Triathlon group wanted to incorporate running, biking, and swimming in that order, since that is the nature of the Triathlon itself.  That's when I came up with this bike idea, and I just ran with it from there.  I am extremely pleased with how it has turned out, and I"m anxious to complete the project, make the clients happy, and ultimately add to my portfolio.  I think it's one of my best logo designs yet!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day Meeting & Bunny Dash Logo Prototype

At our meeting today, we went over the sketches I have for the Reverse Sprint Triathlon logo and Bunny Dash Logo.  We also talked about getting together the information for the March monthly news as well.  Overall, it was a pretty short meeting. 

Here is the Bunny Dash Logo Prototype I have, and I'm awaiting feedback on it.  From there, I will put it on a shirt and begin designing a flyer! :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Reverse Sprint Triathlon Logo

I have been given the information for the Reverse Sprint Triathlon, so I will be designing not only the t-shirt, but the logo itself!  They are scrapping the old logo, so I have the pleasure of creating a new one for them. 

I have a lot of projects to work on, but I am happy to be busy with work! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bunny Dash Logo & Reverse Sprint Triathlon T-Shirt Design

These are the two new projects I have taken on. 

They wanted to update their previous Bunny Dash Logo.  I am to create a more ferocious, determined, and tough bunny.  The one right now "looks like a rat."  Hopefully the one I make doesn't look like a rat!  If I do though, I'll just keep trying :).

The details for the Reverse Sprint Triathlon t-shirt are coming, and hopefully I can start designing this soon as well.

Overall, it has been another good week.  We are going to start doing sketches!  I might even upload a few if they are decent enough! ;)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Outdoor Adventures' Gift Certificate

At our meeting, a new project was introduced to me.  Outdoor Adventures needed their gift certificate revamped, and I was assigned the job.

Here is what it looked like before:
Here is the new design I created:

The new design allows for them to insert the coupon number, expiration date, recipient name, and the gift being given.  All of that information is interchangable, and we created the new design with the idea of it being used for multiple purposes, not just tubing, kayaking, etc.  They wanted to be able to use it for multiple coupons and match the rest of the posters/flyers I've been doing for them.

UPDATE: 2/5/2012
They wanted to make it more open for a variety of events, so I took out the second and third lines and replaced them with an open space for mroe freedom.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

February News!

I completed the February issue.  I've already begun working on the March layout!  I'm really excited for these issues and how they will turn out. 

I really ran into space problems with this issue.  There was so much information to include and the space became very limited.  Unfortunately, the last piece of info didn't make it on here.  On the bright side, it was towards the beginning of the month so it wouldn't have gotten much advertisement as it would have been able to.  I have offered to make a flyer or something to compensate for the lost advertisement.  I'd be able to "bust" it out quickly with the creative mood I'm in right now :).

I also completed the Zumba poster this week.  I had to rebuild my computer over the winter break, and I just now reinstalled my tablet [shame on me!].  I didn't realize how much I missed it.  I got a little draw-crazy with this one, but I think it turned out for the best!

Monday, January 23, 2012

January News aka "Toilet Paper"

Here is the January "Toilet Paper" I did.  February's is coming soon.  They enjoyed January's, so I get the honor of doing the next few month's news as well.  Overall, this was a blast for me to create.  I got carried away with the icons and the snowflakes.  I think it was for the best though!  Towards the end, I was worried that the information wouldn't all fit on the page, but it ended up fitting nicely.  Annina did a lot with the information editing which helped loads! 
This was fun, fun, fun! 

Dance Club Poster / Dance Team Tryout Flyer

In this poster, I was asked to create a poster they could use over a timespan of several semesters.  They didn't really have any guidelines except to make it professional yet fun.  They provided a few silhouettes, however, I only used one and then I used a stock photo as reference for the bottom right and darker silhouette.  It was a rather neat experiment with layering vector images. 

With this next project, they wanted a Dance Team Tryout Flyer that will be handed out.  Originally, they gave me a very pixelated image to use as their desired background.  I did not feel comfortable using the photo (credits and all that) on top of it being rather unattractive.  So I went to a stock website and found a dancing couple and recreated the background with the same color scheme as the image provided on top of a photo I took myself.  With the back of the flyer, I kept the same theme but with all the information they needed.  The major challenge with this one was to make the decision of using the original picture as the client asked and achieving the effect they wanted.  In the end, I presented them with 4 different front sides (the first 2 with client's background and 2 different type layouts and the second 2 with my design and 2 different type layouts) and the same back. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January: Week #3

At our meeting, we discussed a few things.
  • Toilet Paper aka Monthly Rec News
  • Dance Club Posters
  • Zumba Poster
  • Outdoor Adventures' Trip List poster
  • Possible Rugby project
With the Toilet Paper / Monthly Rec News, Annina told me that I will have the pleasure of doing February, March, and April's News and possibly Summer's.  January's was a big hit, so I get to do the rest! =)  They will all be do at the end of the previous month it's made for.

As for the Dance Club posters, they would like 2 posters.  They pretty much already know what they want and have it layed out.  They just need someone to make it look professional and neat for them. 

I personally came up with the Zumba poster.  I saw a Zumba picture and felt inspired to do a poster for that particular Group Fitness class.  It's something a lot of people could be interested in if brought to their attention. 

There is also a possible Rugby project that might happen within the next couple weeks.  It would be a program template to help the Rugby team raise money for a charity they support.  Nothing is final as of right now; however, it is on the "possible" list.

Last week I completed the Outdoor Adventures' Trip List poster, which was basically just updating last semester's poster I did with the new trips for this semester. 

Overall, it was a great meeting.  I just need to keep updating this blog with current and past projects! :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Fall 2011
-With this newsletter, I wanted to experiment and develop with a since of elegance and simplistic design without the use of pictures.  It was fun, especially creating the icons and overall was a really exciting project that really allowed me to grow.

Spring 2012
- In this second newsletter, I decided to go the opposite route.  With the access to a better camera, Recreation and Sports Services was able to take more pictures at their events and document everything rather well.  I had the luxury of selecting and requesting pictures to insert into this newsletter.  I tried to keep the design for this one even simpler than the last, and I think it paid off.  I love it more than the last newsletter.  I can see my individual development as an artist!

Blog Organization

Since I have already done so much for the internship, I am starting off in groups of projects that I did by category.  It makes it easier not to forget as many items.