Sunday, January 29, 2012

February News!

I completed the February issue.  I've already begun working on the March layout!  I'm really excited for these issues and how they will turn out. 

I really ran into space problems with this issue.  There was so much information to include and the space became very limited.  Unfortunately, the last piece of info didn't make it on here.  On the bright side, it was towards the beginning of the month so it wouldn't have gotten much advertisement as it would have been able to.  I have offered to make a flyer or something to compensate for the lost advertisement.  I'd be able to "bust" it out quickly with the creative mood I'm in right now :).

I also completed the Zumba poster this week.  I had to rebuild my computer over the winter break, and I just now reinstalled my tablet [shame on me!].  I didn't realize how much I missed it.  I got a little draw-crazy with this one, but I think it turned out for the best!

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