Sunday, February 26, 2012

Decisions & Meetings

It was decided that they wanted to go a different route with the Bunny Dash Event, which was rather saddening, but needed.  It was a good lesson that taught me not everything I create will be accepted and plans change sometimes.  It wasn't wasted effort either.  Besides teaching me that valuable lesson, it also gave me more experience with freehand work and outside the box thinking.  I might be able to still use this as a portfolio piece even though it went unused. 

At this present time, I am still working on:
- the Group Fit page
- March News [toilet paper]
- Reverse Sprint Triathlon logo, t-shirt, flyer, and medal.

Below is some of the progress I've made on the Reverse Sprint Triathlon project!

With the logo, the Reverse Sprint Triathlon group wanted to incorporate running, biking, and swimming in that order, since that is the nature of the Triathlon itself.  That's when I came up with this bike idea, and I just ran with it from there.  I am extremely pleased with how it has turned out, and I"m anxious to complete the project, make the clients happy, and ultimately add to my portfolio.  I think it's one of my best logo designs yet!

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