Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Outdoor Adventures' Gift Certificate

At our meeting, a new project was introduced to me.  Outdoor Adventures needed their gift certificate revamped, and I was assigned the job.

Here is what it looked like before:
Here is the new design I created:

The new design allows for them to insert the coupon number, expiration date, recipient name, and the gift being given.  All of that information is interchangable, and we created the new design with the idea of it being used for multiple purposes, not just tubing, kayaking, etc.  They wanted to be able to use it for multiple coupons and match the rest of the posters/flyers I've been doing for them.

UPDATE: 2/5/2012
They wanted to make it more open for a variety of events, so I took out the second and third lines and replaced them with an open space for mroe freedom.

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